Sign up for just the e-mails you'd like to receive!
We know that not everyone wants to receive every e-mail we send about the latest goings-on at LensWork. To help you cut down on unwanted e-mail and to do our part to fight spam, we've implemented a new e-mail service that will allow us to make sure you receive just the emails you want.
Our promise to you:
- We only send out e-mail to those who "opt-in" to each list.
- We will never, ever sell, rent, or in any way give out your e-mail information to anyone!
- If you no longer want to receive e-mail from any of the lists your are on, you can always "opt-out."
- Every e-mail we send will include an "opt-out" link.
- Once you opt-out of a list, only you can reactivate receiving those e-mails.